Our Financial Health is a newly formed company committed to promoting financial literacy and creating local economic opportunities in communities.
We're spearheading an Urban Economic Development Initiative alongside local government and community partners.
If past financial crises haven’t taught us anything about saving money and investing, COVID-19 made sure to do so. Those with financial knowledge and previously set up plans had little to zero worries during the past few years, at least when compared to those who were living paycheck to paycheck. One who “lives to work" and religiously depends on every single paycheck to get by is not setting him or herself up for success. Instead, they are a ticking bomb waiting for the next catastrophe to turn their life upside down as it has happened to many Americans. Members of the middle-upper and upper classes figured out early in life that working to survive is not the way to go. People often find themselves stressed and incapable of change because they lack the tools and resources necessary to move past the repeating cycle.
Economic Growth and Job Creation
Education is the key to success; knowledge is power. Don’t underestimate clichés because, now more than ever, they should be printed in bold and pasted on a mural! College is not the only option to gain powerful knowledge and become educated on finances.
Our Financial Health focuses on educating urban communities on investments and financial handling. There are numerous myths being shoved down society’s throat right now, but one that isn’t is that change is needed.
Our Financial Health can be a catalyst for urban community members to learn, grow, invest, and succeed. Our Financial Health focuses on educating urban communities on investments and financial handling. Our Financial Health is a catalyst for urban community members to learn, grow, invest, and succeed.
“Our Financial Health will play a crucial role in revitalizing our city. Their focus on economic development will create new job opportunities and bring economic growth to our community. We are grateful for their dedication and support. ” - Violet Scott